(English vesion follows)
6月8日、ヨコハマプロジェクトとケンタッキー大学人間発達研究所にある出生前・後(Prenatal and Postnatal)に関するナショナルセンターのステファニー・メレディス氏は、横浜にて、情報共有に関する初回の戦略会合を開催しました。同会合を通じ、両者は、通常時のコミュニケーション、本共同体(coalition)へのメンバー参画、情報共有の方法の方針に合意。
On June 8, Kondo and Meredith met in Yokohama to discuss initial strategies for sharing information, including establishing regular communication, inviting other members of the coalition, and setting up a website for information sharing.
The first conference call was held on Thursday, November 10, 2016 wherein the coalition members discussed providing information to new and expectant parents learning about a prenatal diagnosis, reaching out to clinicians, establishing genetic information laws, reaching out to vulnerable populations in each country, as well as medical outreach strategies, adoption options, and ongoing parent support.
The coalition will be holding conference call in regular basis. We will continue to share ideas and strategies and further our action plan.